Death penalty

Posted by nataliesturm , Friday 7 May 2010 09:59

If you ask me, death penalty shouldn’t be a punishment option. Some people argue that this way of punishment is more a type of revenge and not of justice, and I have to say I agree with them. To my mind killing someone, even if this person is a murderer, makes you a murderer too. From a political point of view, death penalty is a way to save money, because you have less people to feed. It is sometimes argued that death penalty, or capital punishment, is a way to discriminate against the poor, because they don’t have the option to pay their way out, so they aren’t really important for the government.
Another issue is that there have been wrongful executions, so innocent people have been killed, and once you kill someone you can’t bring him back. To be honest, I think that death penalty is a dangerous weapon and way of making justice, because you can be wrong, sometimes nothing is like it seems and also, you take somebody else his right to live.
However, in some countries like Chile, prisons don’t work as well as they should. Dangerous people stay a while in prison, but afterwards they are released. That’s why many people think death penalty should exist. Murderers have to be in jail for ever and if this doesn’t happen killing them is a good option to make sure they won’t kill again.
I feel that improving justice in Chile, making sure wrong people aren’t going to be released is the way to avoid death penalty.
I remember that Chile had de death penalty some years ago, and I remember that it was the president who said if the persons deserved to die or not. To my mind this is very stupid, because it shouldn’t be the president’s responsibility to make that call. So I’m a glad the abolished this way of punishment, but still I think justice has to improve a lot and make sure the population is save by not releasing so easily murderers.

2 Response to "Death penalty"

Simón Soto Says:

I totally agree with you!
Death penalty is just some kind of a legal murder, but a murder is a murder, wether is legal or not.
It doesnt solve anything, it's just the easiest way around.

Miss Says:

If you ask me, death penalty shouldn’t be a punishment option. Some people argue that this way of punishment is more a type of revenge and not of justice, and I have to say I agree with them. To my mind killing someone, even if this person is a murderer, makes you a murderer too. From a political point of view, death penalty is a way to save money, because you have less people to feed. It is sometimes argued that death penalty, or capital punishment, is a way to discriminate against the poor, because they don’t have the option to pay their way out, so they aren’t really important for the government.
Another issue is that there have been wrongful executions, so innocent people have been killed, and once you kill someone you can’t bring him back. To be honest, I think that death penalty is a dangerous weapon and way of making justice, because you can be wrong, sometimes nothing is like it seems and also, you take somebody else his right to live.
However, in some countries like Chile, prisons don’t work as well as they should. Dangerous people stay a while in prison, but afterwards they are released. That’s why many people think death penalty should exist. Murderers have to be in jail foWFr ever and if this doesn’t happen killing them is a good option to make sure they won’t kill again.
I feel that improving justice in Chile, making sure wrong people aren’t going to be released is the way to avoid death penalty.
I remember that Chile had WW de death penalty some years ago, and I remember that it was the president who said if the persons deserved to die or not. To my mind this is very stupid, because it shouldn’t be the president’s responsibility to make that call. So I’m a glad the abolished this way of punishment, but still I think justice has to improve a lot and make sure the population is save by not releasing so easily murderers

nati, well done! very well structured
p.s. i agree with simon's opinion too!

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