I would like to visit Switzerland

Posted by nataliesturm , Saturday 1 May 2010 11:51

I would like to visit Switzerland because I lived there for 4 years. I arrived with eight years and left with twelve. I haven’t been back, so it would be really nice if I could go again. Actually, last weekend my best friend from school there came to Chile. We didn’t see us for 12 years and didn’t have contact for 11 years. But thanks to facebook we were able to communicate again, and finally she came to visit me. It was very nice, we had a lot of fun and we almost forgot that we hadn’t seen us for 12 years. While I was talking to her I remembered a lot about school and my friends. It would be very nice if I could see them all again. And not just them, I also would like to see the house I lived in, the school and many other things. Basel is the city where I lived; it is a very nice city, one of the biggest in Switzerland. Everything is very clean and organized, public transport is just perfect and they have really nice bike streets. And of course I would like to eat a lot of chocolate and cheese; two things Swiss people do very very well. Switzerland is beautiful but still I wouldn’t move back there because I can’t stand cold weather and it gets really cool there. Winter is very long also. Another reason I wouldn’t move back to Switzerland is because Swiss people are very different, they are colder and more serious. It’s hard to adapt, not when you are a child like I was when I moved there, but as an grown up it is more difficult because they are very closed up people. Very polite and correct, but not warm.

2 Response to "I would like to visit Switzerland"

Diana Says:

Hi! Switzerland wasn`t a country attractive for me, but you diescribe it like a very nice place to go someday and the chocolate thing was very interesting jaja

see you in class!

Miss Says:

I would like to visit Switzerland because I lived there for 4 years. I arrived with eight years and left with twelve. I haven’t been back, so it would be really nice if I could go again. Actually, last weekend my best friend from school there came to Chile. We didn’t see WW us for 12 years and didn’t have contact for 11 years. But thanks to facebook we were able to communicate again, and finally she came to visit me. It was very nice, we had a lot of fun and we almost forgot that we hadn’t seen us for 12 years. While I was talking to her I remembered a lot about school and my friends. It would be very nice if I could see them all again. And not just them, I also would like to see the house I lived in, the school and many other things. Basel is the city where I lived; it is a very nice city, one of the biggest in Switzerland. Everything is very clean and organized, public transport is just perfect and they have really nice bike streets. And of course I would like to eat a lot of chocolate and cheese; two things Swiss people do very very well. Switzerland is beautiful but still I wouldn’t move back there because I can’t stand cold weather and it gets really cool there. Winter is very long also. Another reason I wouldn’t move back to Switzerland is because Swiss people are very different, they are colder and more serious. It’s hard to adapt, not when you are a child like I was when I moved there, but as an grown up it is more difficult because they are very closed up people. Very polite and correct, but not warm

I have never been into Switzerland, it must be a great place...
well done!

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