Last Term

Posted by nataliesturm , Tuesday 27 April 2010 14:11

The second semester of last year was my last term with carrier subjects. It was pretty intense, because we had a subject called “Internado”, that means twice a week you have to be with the doctors and work with them, trying to find out what is wrong with the patients. The subject is divided in three parts: horses, ruminants and small animals (cats and dogs). In the part of ruminants and horses you have to go wherever the doctor goes, so sometimes we went pretty far away, because these animals often can’t be found in the city. You also have to work in small groups the whole semester and you can’t choose who is going to be in your group. I was lucky and I knew most of the people in my group. Every week you had to prepare a clinical case and investigate about it as a group and present it at the beginning of the following week. That was hard work, because we also had other subject at the same time, so sometimes I was really stressed. It is also very hard to rely on other people, because you can’t do all the work just by yourself and you have to trust the other members of the group. But like I said before, I was lucky and we didn’t have much problems, just some little discussions.
I think you can realise that there wasn’t really a lot of time to practice sports or do some other activities. My life was just focused on university, so I hadn’t really a life, that’s sad, hahaha. The good thing is that it went really well and I managed to pass all my subjects, including “Internado”. And I was really happy at the end; I think there is no better feeling than knowing all the hard study is over and you feel so free after five long years at university.

1 Response to "Last Term"

Miss Says:

The second semester of last year was my last term with carrier subjects. It was pretty intense, because we had a subject called “Internado”, that means twice a week you have to be with the doctors and work with them, trying to find out what is wrong with the patients. The subject is divided in three parts: horses, ruminants and small animals (cats and dogs). In the part of ruminants and horses you have to go wherever the doctor goes, so sometimes we went pretty far away, because these animals often can’t be found in the city. You also have to work in small groups the whole semester and you can’t choose who is going to be in your group. I was lucky and I knew most of the people in my group. Every week you had to prepare a clinical case and investigate about it as a group and present it at the beginning of the following week. That was hard work, because we also had other subject at the same time, so sometimes I was really stressed. It is also very hard to rely on other people, because you can’t do all the work just by yourself and you have to trust the other members of the group. But like I said before, I was lucky and we didn’t have much problems, just some little discussions.
I think you can realise that there wasn’t really a lot of time to practice sports or do some other activities. My life was just focused on university, so I hadn’t really a life, that’s sad, hahaha. The good thing is that it went really well and I managed to pass all my subjects, including “Internado”. And I was really happy at the end; I think there is no better feeling than knowing all the hard study is over and you feel so free after five long years at university.

well done nat wish you the best for this semester too!

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