
Posted by nataliesturm , Wednesday 14 April 2010 20:32

I think that transantiago has improved some things of public transport. However some things haven’t changed or are worst now. One of the things that didn’t change, is the frequency of de buses, you still don’t now at what time they are coming and sometimes you have to wait like half an hour before the bus arrives. Another thing I don’t like about transantiago is that you have to change buses to many times to get to one place. As an example, I don’t live far away from Plaza Ñuñoa, and before transantiago I could take one bus to get there. Now I have to take three buses. The crowded metro is another thing I can’t stand, line one is really collapsed. However, transantiago has improved some things. The BIP card is a big improvement, because you don’t have to manipulate coins. It’s also better for the driver, because he is safer now and he can’t be mugged. Buses are bigger too and drivers now get paid with a regular salary, so they don’t have to compete for transporting more passengers. There are now special parts of the streets for buses, making travelling by bus faster sometimes then by car.
I think transantiago has improved a lot since it started. At the beginning it was all very confusing and not very good organized, but with time it has been better. Still there is much to improve. It would be very nice to know exactly at what time the bus is going to pass, making all our lifes easier.

1 Response to "Transantiago"

Miss Says:

I think that transantiago has improved some things of public transport. However some things haven’t changed or are worst now. One of the things that didn’t change, is the frequency of de buses, you still don’t now at what time they are coming and sometimes you have to wait like half an hour before the bus arrives. Another thing I don’t like about transantiago is that you have to change buses to many times to get to one place. As an example, I don’t live far away from Plaza Ñuñoa, and before transantiago I could take one bus to get there. Now I have to take three buses. The crowded metro is another thing I can’t stand, line one is really collapsed. However, transantiago has improved some things. The BIP card is a big improvement, because you don’t have to manipulate coins. It’s also better for the driver, because he is safer now and he can’t be mugged. Buses are bigger too and drivers now get paid with a regular salary, so they don’t have to compete for transporting more passengers. There are now special parts of the streets for buses, making travelling by bus faster sometimes then by car.
I think transantiago has improved a lot since it started. At the beginning it was all very confusing and not very good organized, but with time it has been better. Still there is much to improve. It would be very nice to know exactly at what time the bus is going to pass, making all our lifes easier.

well done! I agree with you the system can be improved...
p.s. you got a 5.8

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